Thursday, April 25, 2013

15 Down, 80 to Go

Let me explain.

Yesterday, I *FINALLY* finished the 15 cancer treatments I have been trudging through since last year (Chemo is my friend! Radiation is my friend!).

So, 15 Down!  Hopefully, never again.  Been there, done that, got a couple of t-shirts out of it.

What I l am left with is the 80.  Sigh.  Let me explain FURTHER.

I lost a butt-ton (yes, that is a measurement) of weight, from 363.6 to 203, a few years ago.  Go, me!  Took me about a year and a half to get it off.  A mixture of Medifast, exercise, tons of water, and some sensible choices.  I was looking so much better, and feeling better, too.  I had not weighed that little since after my eldest was born (*cough* almost 30 years ago now).  I had put a little poundage back on (up to 215 or so), but I still felt pretty good and was doing okay.

That is, until I wasn’t, and I did not feel good at all.  Breathing is overrated, but you really focus on it when it to do.  So, I had to get that taken care of.

Now that I am feeling better health-wise, I am feeling HORRIBLE weight-wise.  I used the last 8 months or so as a huge M&M pity party.  I left 215 far, far behind.

Today was "moment of truth" time.  I stepped on the scales (totally naked, having drunk nothing, having peed as much as I could, and thinking light thoughts).  But, truth is truth.  I have put back on 65.8 pounds.  Erk.  For the math-challenged, that means I weigh 268.8.  For reals.  That is a LOT of for reals.

So, I have put myself back on Medifast and am doing the plan.  Shake, shake, pour, pour, drink, drink.  Most of my exercise still consists of running to the bathroom to pee from all of the liquid intake (have a pesky nerve problem in my left leg from treatment this time, and I have to get through rehab on that before I get the green light to hit the gym or take off on some other exercise adventure).  I will be working (hard!) on the rehab, so that I can get on the other side of it quickly.

This is where I *was*
I can't find a body shot.  Since I am the person taking the pictures always, I am not ususally in the pictures.

And this is where I *am*

(I am the enormous blue blob painting a set panel, and it is even partially shielding my true size, which is big.)

I *WILL* get there.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Day Late (We Were Busy with Sombreros and Desserts)

She is fearless  and fragile,
Independent, yet hates to be alone,
Beautiful  and comedic,
Thoughtful and messy,
Smart  and quick-witted,
Musical and artistic,
Friendly and outgoing,
Deeply introspective and emphathetic,
Generous and angered by injustice,
She loves quickly and hugely,
And can be hurt just as quickly and hugely,
Strong charactered and strong willed,
Yet takes advice to heart,
The best baby pterodactyl I know,
She makes me laugh, and cry, and be proud
Sometimes all at once.
She is my gift child I never thought I would have,
And she is treasure beyond compare.
Happy 17th, sweet Anne.
I love you to the moon and back, baby.